
Get the masking execution metrics report.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 10000

Maximum number of objects to return per query. The value must be between 1 and 1000. Default is 10000.

Example: limit=100
string [ 1 .. 4096 ] characters

Cursor to fetch the next or previous page of results. The value of this property must be extracted from the 'prev_cursor' or 'next_cursor' property of a PaginatedResponseMetadata which is contained in the response of list and search API endpoints.

string or null

The field to sort results by. A property name with a prepended '-' signifies a descending order.

Enum: "id" "-id" "masking_job_name" "-masking_job_name" "connector_type" "-connector_type" "ruleset_name" "-ruleset_name" "rows_masked" "-rows_masked" "rows_total" "-rows_total" "bytes_masked" "-bytes_masked" "bytes_total" "-bytes_total" "duration" "-duration" "tables_files_count" "-tables_files_count" "masked_tables_files_count" "-masked_tables_files_count" "columns_fields_count" "-columns_fields_count" "masked_columns_fields_count" "-masked_columns_fields_count" "masking_job_type" "-masking_job_type"
Example: sort=id

Returns a list of Masking execution metrics.

Response samples
  • "items": [
  • "response_metadata": {

Search the Masking execution metrics report.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 10000

Maximum number of objects to return per query. The value must be between 1 and 1000. Default is 10000.

Example: limit=100
string [ 1 .. 4096 ] characters

Cursor to fetch the next or previous page of results. The value of this property must be extracted from the 'prev_cursor' or 'next_cursor' property of a PaginatedResponseMetadata which is contained in the response of list and search API endpoints.

string or null

The field to sort results by. A property name with a prepended '-' signifies a descending order.

Enum: "id" "-id" "masking_job_name" "-masking_job_name" "connector_type" "-connector_type" "ruleset_name" "-ruleset_name" "rows_masked" "-rows_masked" "rows_total" "-rows_total" "bytes_masked" "-bytes_masked" "bytes_total" "-bytes_total" "duration" "-duration" "tables_files_count" "-tables_files_count" "masked_tables_files_count" "-masked_tables_files_count" "columns_fields_count" "-columns_fields_count" "masked_columns_fields_count" "-masked_columns_fields_count" "masking_job_type" "-masking_job_type"
Example: sort=id
Request Body schema: application/json

A request body containing a filter expression. This enables searching for items matching arbitrarily complex conditions. The list of attributes which can be used in filter expressions is available in the x-filterable vendor extension.

Filter Expression Overview

Note: All keywords are case-insensitive

Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
CONTAINS Substring or membership testing for string and list attributes respectively. field3 CONTAINS 'foobar', field4 CONTAINS TRUE
IN Tests if field is a member of a list literal. List can contain a maximum of 100 values field2 IN ['Goku', 'Vegeta']
GE Tests if a field is greater than or equal to a literal value field1 GE 1.2e-2
GT Tests if a field is greater than a literal value field1 GT 1.2e-2
LE Tests if a field is less than or equal to a literal value field1 LE 9000
LT Tests if a field is less than a literal value field1 LT 9.02
NE Tests if a field is not equal to a literal value field1 NE 42
EQ Tests if a field is equal to a literal value field1 EQ 42

Search Operator

The SEARCH operator filters for items which have any filterable attribute that contains the input string as a substring, comparison is done case-insensitively. This is not restricted to attributes with string values. Specifically SEARCH '12' would match an item with an attribute with an integer value of 123.

Logical Operators

Ordered by precedence.

Operator Description Example
NOT Logical NOT (Right associative) NOT field1 LE 9000
AND Logical AND (Left Associative) field1 GT 9000 AND field2 EQ 'Goku'
OR Logical OR (Left Associative) field1 GT 9000 OR field2 EQ 'Goku'


Parenthesis () can be used to override operator precedence.

For example: NOT (field1 LT 1234 AND field2 CONTAINS 'foo')

Literal Values

Literal Description Examples
Nil Represents the absence of a value nil, Nil, nIl, NIL
Boolean true/false boolean true, false, True, False, TRUE, FALSE
Number Signed integer and floating point numbers. Also supports scientific notation. 0, 1, -1, 1.2, 0.35, 1.2e-2, -1.2e+2
String Single or double quoted "foo", "bar", "foo bar", 'foo', 'bar', 'foo bar'
Datetime Formatted according to RFC3339 2018-04-27T18:39:26.397237+00:00
List Comma-separated literals wrapped in square brackets [0], [0, 1], ['foo', "bar"]


  • A maximum of 8 unique identifiers may be used inside a filter expression.
string [ 5 .. 2000 ] characters

Search Masking execution metrics.

Request samples

An example of a nested Object comparison testing that at least one repository has a version which is equal to 19.0.0.

  • "filter_expression": "repositories CONTAINS {version eq '19.0.0'}"
Response samples
  • "items": [
  • "response_metadata": {

Get the masking engine global object state report.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 10000

Maximum number of objects to return per query. The value must be between 1 and 1000. Default is 10000.

Example: limit=100
string [ 1 .. 4096 ] characters

Cursor to fetch the next or previous page of results. The value of this property must be extracted from the 'prev_cursor' or 'next_cursor' property of a PaginatedResponseMetadata which is contained in the response of list and search API endpoints.

string or null

The field to sort results by. A property name with a prepended '-' signifies descending order.

Enum: "engine_id" "-engine_id" "engine_name" "-engine_name" "jobs_count" "-jobs_count" "connectors_count" "-connectors_count" "rulesets_count" "-rulesets_count" "global_object_revision_hash" "-global_object_revision_hash"
Example: sort=engine_id

Returns a list of GlobalObjectState data.

Response samples
  • "items": [
  • "response_metadata": {

Search the masking engine global object state report.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 10000

Maximum number of objects to return per query. The value must be between 1 and 1000. Default is 10000.

Example: limit=100
string [ 1 .. 4096 ] characters

Cursor to fetch the next or previous page of results. The value of this property must be extracted from the 'prev_cursor' or 'next_cursor' property of a PaginatedResponseMetadata which is contained in the response of list and search API endpoints.

string or null

The field to sort results by. A property name with a prepended '-' signifies descending order.

Enum: "engine_id" "-engine_id" "engine_name" "-engine_name" "jobs_count" "-jobs_count" "connectors_count" "-connectors_count" "rulesets_count" "-rulesets_count" "global_object_revision_hash" "-global_object_revision_hash"
Example: sort=engine_id
Request Body schema: application/json

A request body containing a filter expression. This enables searching for items matching arbitrarily complex conditions. The list of attributes which can be used in filter expressions is available in the x-filterable vendor extension.

Filter Expression Overview

Note: All keywords are case-insensitive

Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
CONTAINS Substring or membership testing for string and list attributes respectively. field3 CONTAINS 'foobar', field4 CONTAINS TRUE
IN Tests if field is a member of a list literal. List can contain a maximum of 100 values field2 IN ['Goku', 'Vegeta']
GE Tests if a field is greater than or equal to a literal value field1 GE 1.2e-2
GT Tests if a field is greater than a literal value field1 GT 1.2e-2
LE Tests if a field is less than or equal to a literal value field1 LE 9000
LT Tests if a field is less than a literal value field1 LT 9.02
NE Tests if a field is not equal to a literal value field1 NE 42
EQ Tests if a field is equal to a literal value field1 EQ 42

Search Operator

The SEARCH operator filters for items which have any filterable attribute that contains the input string as a substring, comparison is done case-insensitively. This is not restricted to attributes with string values. Specifically SEARCH '12' would match an item with an attribute with an integer value of 123.

Logical Operators

Ordered by precedence.

Operator Description Example
NOT Logical NOT (Right associative) NOT field1 LE 9000
AND Logical AND (Left Associative) field1 GT 9000 AND field2 EQ 'Goku'
OR Logical OR (Left Associative) field1 GT 9000 OR field2 EQ 'Goku'


Parenthesis () can be used to override operator precedence.

For example: NOT (field1 LT 1234 AND field2 CONTAINS 'foo')

Literal Values

Literal Description Examples
Nil Represents the absence of a value nil, Nil, nIl, NIL
Boolean true/false boolean true, false, True, False, TRUE, FALSE
Number Signed integer and floating point numbers. Also supports scientific notation. 0, 1, -1, 1.2, 0.35, 1.2e-2, -1.2e+2
String Single or double quoted "foo", "bar", "foo bar", 'foo', 'bar', 'foo bar'
Datetime Formatted according to RFC3339 2018-04-27T18:39:26.397237+00:00
List Comma-separated literals wrapped in square brackets [0], [0, 1], ['foo', "bar"]


  • A maximum of 8 unique identifiers may be used inside a filter expression.
string [ 5 .. 2000 ] characters

Returns a list of searched GlobalObjectState data.

Request samples

An example of a nested Object comparison testing that at least one repository has a version which is equal to 19.0.0.

  • "filter_expression": "repositories CONTAINS {version eq '19.0.0'}"
Response samples
  • "items": [
  • "response_metadata": {

Get the masking data risk report.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 10000

Maximum number of objects to return per query. The value must be between 1 and 1000. Default is 10000.

Example: limit=100
string [ 1 .. 4096 ] characters

Cursor to fetch the next or previous page of results. The value of this property must be extracted from the 'prev_cursor' or 'next_cursor' property of a PaginatedResponseMetadata which is contained in the response of list and search API endpoints.

string or null

The field to sort results by. A property name with a prepended '-' signifies descending order.

Enum: "connector_id" "-connector_id" "engine_connector_id" "-engine_connector_id" "connector_name" "-connector_name" "connector_type" "-connector_type" "last_profiled_date" "-last_profiled_date" "last_masked_date" "-last_masked_date" "engine_id" "-engine_id" "engine_name" "-engine_name" "is_profiled" "-is_profiled" "is_sensitive_data" "-is_sensitive_data" "is_masked" "-is_masked" "is_at_risk" "-is_at_risk" "data_elements_total" "-data_elements_total" "data_elements_not_sensitive" "-data_elements_not_sensitive" "data_elements_sensitive_masked" "-data_elements_sensitive_masked" "data_elements_sensitive_unmasked" "-data_elements_sensitive_unmasked" "records_total" "-records_total" "records_not_sensitive" "-records_not_sensitive" "records_sensitive_masked" "-records_sensitive_masked" "records_sensitive_unmasked" "-records_sensitive_unmasked"
Example: sort=engine_id

Returns a list of DataRisk data.

Response samples
  • "items": [
  • "response_metadata": {
  • "totals": {

Search the masking data risk report.

query Parameters
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 10000

Maximum number of objects to return per query. The value must be between 1 and 1000. Default is 10000.

Example: limit=100
string [ 1 .. 4096 ] characters

Cursor to fetch the next or previous page of results. The value of this property must be extracted from the 'prev_cursor' or 'next_cursor' property of a PaginatedResponseMetadata which is contained in the response of list and search API endpoints.

string or null

The field to sort results by. A property name with a prepended '-' signifies descending order.

Enum: "connector_id" "-connector_id" "engine_connector_id" "-engine_connector_id" "connector_name" "-connector_name" "connector_type" "-connector_type" "last_profiled_date" "-last_profiled_date" "last_masked_date" "-last_masked_date" "engine_id" "-engine_id" "engine_name" "-engine_name" "is_profiled" "-is_profiled" "is_sensitive_data" "-is_sensitive_data" "is_masked" "-is_masked" "is_at_risk" "-is_at_risk" "data_elements_total" "-data_elements_total" "data_elements_not_sensitive" "-data_elements_not_sensitive" "data_elements_sensitive_masked" "-data_elements_sensitive_masked" "data_elements_sensitive_unmasked" "-data_elements_sensitive_unmasked" "records_total" "-records_total" "records_not_sensitive" "-records_not_sensitive" "records_sensitive_masked" "-records_sensitive_masked" "records_sensitive_unmasked" "-records_sensitive_unmasked"
Example: sort=engine_id
Request Body schema: application/json

A request body containing a filter expression. This enables searching for items matching arbitrarily complex conditions. The list of attributes which can be used in filter expressions is available in the x-filterable vendor extension.

Filter Expression Overview

Note: All keywords are case-insensitive

Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
CONTAINS Substring or membership testing for string and list attributes respectively. field3 CONTAINS 'foobar', field4 CONTAINS TRUE
IN Tests if field is a member of a list literal. List can contain a maximum of 100 values field2 IN ['Goku', 'Vegeta']
GE Tests if a field is greater than or equal to a literal value field1 GE 1.2e-2
GT Tests if a field is greater than a literal value field1 GT 1.2e-2
LE Tests if a field is less than or equal to a literal value field1 LE 9000
LT Tests if a field is less than a literal value field1 LT 9.02
NE Tests if a field is not equal to a literal value field1 NE 42
EQ Tests if a field is equal to a literal value field1 EQ 42

Search Operator

The SEARCH operator filters for items which have any filterable attribute that contains the input string as a substring, comparison is done case-insensitively. This is not restricted to attributes with string values. Specifically SEARCH '12' would match an item with an attribute with an integer value of 123.

Logical Operators

Ordered by precedence.

Operator Description Example
NOT Logical NOT (Right associative) NOT field1 LE 9000
AND Logical AND (Left Associative) field1 GT 9000 AND field2 EQ 'Goku'
OR Logical OR (Left Associative) field1 GT 9000 OR field2 EQ 'Goku'


Parenthesis () can be used to override operator precedence.

For example: NOT (field1 LT 1234 AND field2 CONTAINS 'foo')

Literal Values

Literal Description Examples
Nil Represents the absence of a value nil, Nil, nIl, NIL
Boolean true/false boolean true, false, True, False, TRUE, FALSE
Number Signed integer and floating point numbers. Also supports scientific notation. 0, 1, -1, 1.2, 0.35, 1.2e-2, -1.2e+2
String Single or double quoted "foo", "bar", "foo bar", 'foo', 'bar', 'foo bar'
Datetime Formatted according to RFC3339 2018-04-27T18:39:26.397237+00:00
List Comma-separated literals wrapped in square brackets [0], [0, 1], ['foo', "bar"]


  • A maximum of 8 unique identifiers may be used inside a filter expression.
string [ 5 .. 2000 ] characters

Returns a list of searched DataRisk data.

Request samples

An example of a nested Object comparison testing that at least one repository has a version which is equal to 19.0.0.

  • "filter_expression": "repositories CONTAINS {version eq '19.0.0'}"
Response samples
  • "items": [
  • "response_metadata": {
  • "totals": {